Figueiredo wants to fight Cruz.

Alexandr Ormanji April 20, 2024, 8:15 a.m.

DeivesonFigueredo, former UFC flyweight champion, has stated his desire to fight former UFC lightweight champion Dominick Cruz. Deiveson wants to fight Dominick at UFC 303, which takes place June 29 in Las Vegas.

"People are calling a lot of names, but what I really want is to fulfill my dream of fighting Dominick Cruz. Hopefully that fight will happen. It would be awesome to come back together with McGregor in June. It all depends on Dominick Cruz, the main thing is that he signs a contract. I really want to fight him. I'm going to keep talking about Cruz because of his popularity, because of the history he has in the organization. He's the guy that can lead me to a title fight," stated Figueredo.

Watch this story: Figueredo challenged Pantoja


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