Mike Tyson's Blunt Response to Mayweather's Ali Comparison: "He's Delusional"

Ronald Crawley Dec. 20, 2024, 9:10 a.m.

Mike Tyson calls Floyd Mayweather "very delusional" for saying he's better than Muhammad Ali. The former heavyweight champ didn't mince words when he heard about Mayweather's bold claim.

Tyson, Ali, and Mayweather are three of boxing's biggest names. Each dominated their era and left a lasting impact on the sport. Tyson became the youngest world heavyweight champion in history, ruling the ring in the 80s and 90s. Ali transcended boxing in the 60s and 70s, fighting in legendary bouts like the Rumble In The Jungle and Thrilla In Manila. Mayweather retired undefeated in 2017 with a perfect 50-0 record, reigning as boxing's box office king in the 2000s and 2010s.

Mayweather sparked controversy when he told ESPN, "No one can ever brainwash me to make me believe that Muhammad Ali was better than me." He pointed to Ali's loss to Leon Spinks, who had only seven pro fights at the time, arguing that he'd never have faced such an inexperienced opponent.

Tyson wasn't having any of it. In an interview with UCN, he fired back:

"He's very delusional. If he was anywhere near that realm of great as Muhammad Ali, he'd be able to take his kids to school by himself. He can't take his kids to school by himself, and he's talking about he's great? Greatness is not guarding yourself from the people. It's being accepted by the people. He can't take his kids alone to school by himself. He's a little scared man. He's a very small, scared man."

Tyson's critique goes beyond just boxing skills. He suggests that true greatness involves a connection with people that Mayweather lacks.

The former heavyweight champ recently returned to the ring himself for a controversial fight with Jake Paul. Tyson says he still has one unanswered question from that bout, though he didn't share what it was.

As the debate over boxing's greatest continues, it's clear that Tyson believes Ali's legacy stands far above Mayweather's claims.



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