Oliveira will fight the winner of the Makhachev-Volkanovski rematch

Alexandr Ormanji Oct. 21, 2023, 2:20 p.m.

Charles Oliveira, a former UFC lightweight champion, will face the winner of the Makhachev-Volkanovski rematch in his next fight. UFC President Dana White announced this.

“I have no idea what we’re going to do with Oliveira. I'm not even thinking about it yet. Of course, if I have to answer this question, I will say that yes, he will fight the winner of the Makhachev-Volkanovski fight. The guy received a nasty blow and a serious cut just a few hours before the flight. But yes, for now I’m not thinking about it at all. I’m sure it will be Charles, but let’s not talk about that right now.”

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