Mike Tyson is invited to coach Francis Ngannou for the fight against Joshua

Francis Ngannou may once again partner with boxing icon Mike Tyson in the lead-up to his fight against Anthony Joshua. This potential reunion follows Tyson's instrumental role in Ngannou's controversial debut against Tyson ...

In anticipation of Ngannou's upcoming match on March 8 in Saudi Arabia, Cooper tantalized fans with the possibility of 'Iron Mike' joining Ngannou's camp. "When Mike Tyson came to the gym, Francis lit up like a kid on Christmas morning about to open his gifts," according to sources close to the team.

Looking back four years, it was during an appearance on Mike Tyson’s podcast that an agreement was made—Tyson would later be present in Ngannou's corner for a boxing match. Their collaboration first became reality last year when Tyson Fury faced off against Ngannou.

Dewey Cooper emphasized Tyson’s potential involvement saying, "Whatever way Francis wants Mike Tyson to be involved he will be." Cooper revealed their own strong bond with Tyson: "I love Mike, we go back way before any of this Francis Ngannou–UFC stuff was happening anyway."

As March 8 edges closer, preparations intensify. Cooper exudes confidence in Ngannou's readiness. They remark on preparation for the showdown with Joshua stating, “I’m sure he will [have Tyson by his side], but either way, [Ngannou] is going to be prepared and ready to go against Anthony Joshua.”

Within Team Combat League, led by Cooper who doubles as Ngannou's striking coach, there exists anticipation surrounding Mike Tyson's role. Beloved as an influential figure and trainer in Ngannou's circle, their partnership signals yet another fascinating chapter in combat sports' lore—the bridging of generational talents through mentorship and shared ambition.

As this sort of alliance takes form, both fighters and fans can only speculate how Tyson's legendary presence will again impact not just morale but also technique within Ngannou’s camp.

With all eyes set on Saudi Arabia come March 8th, Dewey Cooper promises that regardless of The Baddest Man on The Planet’s role this time around—predominantly through training motivation—Francis Ngannou steps into the ring confident and at peak readiness for what may prove to be an epic clash against boxing titan Anthony Joshua.