McGregor revealed the reason for withdrawing from the fight against Chandler

Former UFC bantamweight champion Conor McGregor said the reason he withdrew from his bout against Michael Chandler at UFC 303 was due to a finger injury.

"We were so damn ready for this fight that canceling it was absolutely agonizing for us. We had a loss of concentration, we started training without full protective gear, and I hit my toe on my elbow, breaking it. I broke my toe clean off. I only need a few weeks, that's all.

"My comeback is definitely going to happen and it's going to be one hundred percent Conor McGregor. The fans deserve it and we're getting close. We lost concentration a little bit and there was an injury, but we've learned our lesson and we're moving on. I've got two more fights in my contract and plans to buy a few more Bugattis and yachts, so I'm going to come back and shine. I just need to take my time. I'll see you soon. Whether it's Chandler or not, I'll see you at the top!", - wrote Conor in X.

Recall that McGregor has not stepped into the octagon since July 2021, when he suffered a broken leg in a fight with American Dustin Puryear.