Jake Paul's Ex-Foes Weigh In On Tyson Bout: "He's Not Ready For This"


Jake Paul and Mike Tyson are set to face off in a boxing match that's got everyone talking. The fight will happen on November 15 at AT&T; Stadium in Texas, and Netflix will broadcast it.

Paul, a 27-year-old YouTuber turned boxer, will step into the ring with 58-year-old Tyson, the former undisputed heavyweight champion. They'll duke it out for eight two-minute rounds.

This match-up has stirred up quite a debate. Many worry about Tyson's age, his long break from competitive boxing, and his health. Paul's boxing career so far has seen him take on mostly retired MMA fighters, a YouTuber, and even a basketballer. He's only had three fights against typical boxers in his career.

Paul's record shows he's still new to the sport, but he's been making waves nonetheless.

Former MMA fighters who've faced Paul have weighed in with their thoughts on the upcoming bout. Ben Askren, speaking to YouTube, backs Tyson all the way:

"I like it, I think it's cool. I think, s**t, Mike Tyson all the way!"

Anderson Silva, another ex-MMA fighter who's been in the ring with Paul, sees it differently. He told YouTube that while Tyson will still pack a punch, his age and long break from competition could be his downfall. Silva thinks the fight might start off competitive, but Tyson could tire out, giving Paul the edge.

Silva also pointed out a tricky situation for Paul:

"It's a [lose-lose] because everybody loves Mike Tyson. You're beating up a 58-year-old."

Nate Diaz, who also fought Paul, sides with the younger boxer. He explained his reasoning to YouTube:

"I think you [Jake] win. I think you're younger and I think you're doing the right things as far as what your team has you doing, it works."

Tyron Woodley, another former Paul opponent, has a different take. He believes Tyson's experience and muscle memory will outweigh Paul's newer techniques. Woodley told YouTube:

"On memory alone, on ability alone, he's gonna be able to out-do and subdue any type of fresh, newborn technique that Jake Paul has learned. He can just go onto auto-pilot and wreck some of the current heavyweight champions now. Yes [He could knock Paul out] he was programmed as a machine of war. His muscle memory alone is enough to beat anybody ... I'd fight him, but I'd be scared."

Woodley even compared Tyson's knockout power to that of Gervonta Davis, showing just how much respect he has for the former champ's abilities.

As the fight date draws closer, the boxing world will keep a close eye on both fighters' preparations. It's sure to be an event that captures attention, regardless of the outcome.