Fiziev vs. Gamrot: forecast from Moicano

Renato Moicano, UFC fighter, gave his prediction for the upcoming fight between Rafael Fiziev And Mateusz Gamrot.

“Fiziev is one of the best strikers in the MMA world. But he has one problem. He usually starts at a crazy pace, throwing a lot of punches. But the closer the end of the battle, the more Raphael fades away. And a five-round fight awaits him. On the other hand, we have Mateusz Gamrot, an excellent wrestler and fighter with amazing cardio. And he only increases the pace as the fight progresses. So the further the fight goes, the more advantage Gamrot will have,” said the Brazilian.

The fight between Fiziev and Gamrot will take place on September 24 in Las Vegas and will headline the UFC Fight Night 228 tournament.

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