Wilder's trainer: Ruiz never wanted to fight Deontay

Dmitriy Kel Sept. 7, 2023, 4:13 p.m.
Deontay Wilder and Andy Ruiz
Deontay Wilder and Andy Ruiz

Malik Scott, Former World Heavyweight Champion Trainer Deontay Wilder (43-2-1 42 KO) said that his ward would not box with Andy Ruiz (35-2, 22 KO).

“This fight is dead. Andy doesn't want to fight Deontay. As I see, Andy was asking for 20-30 million dollars for a fight in which he does not deserve that kind of money. He just hid behind business. I believe that Ruiz never actually wanted to fight Deontay, but these conversations provided him with good sales and allowed him to remain in the public eye.

Good luck to him and his dad, because Andy's dad told me that they make movies, work on documentaries and don't need money. If they don’t need money, then let them get out of the way,” the specialist said in an interview with Little Giant Boxing



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