Redkach called Usyk a corrupt animal

The infamous Ukrainian boxer Ivan Redkach again "walked" on Oleksandr Usyk. He accused Usyk of being corrupt.

"Attention! On the left is a venal animal. Sanya, who was baptized in Crimea under the auspices of the UOC-MP (Moscow Patriarchate), today came and prayed in the Lavra to other priests under the UAOC. But what about the same law for all? Sanyok, have you changed your baptismal certificate? Did you have it at all? If you so calmly sold and changed your faith, then what about your homeland then? On the right is a man who remains true to his principles, has honor and conscience, ”Ivan wrote on his Telegram channel, attaching a joint photo of Usyk and Lomachenko.

It is worth noting that Redkach publishes provocative posts, and after a while deletes them. Also, the settings of his Telegram channel do not allow taking screenshots of his posts or reposting them.