Klitschko congratulated Ukrainians on upcoming holidays

Former world heavyweight champion, and now the mayor of Kyiv Vitaliy Klichko congratulated Ukrainians on the upcoming holidays.

"Friends. During this year of tragic upheavals, we have become stronger and kinder. They opened up opportunities that they could not even think of. We understood what our country, our home, our families and friends mean to us. On these holidays, we are especially grateful to our defenders who are now away from their homes and relatives. Defend our freedom and our lives. We are grateful to our loved ones for their support and warmth. We believe in our army, in our heroic warriors who are bringing a just Victory closer. We believe in our country and in our strength. To stand is not to fall. I wish everyone perseverance and goodness. And it always wins. And 2023 will be the year of the Victory of Ukraine. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas," the official wrote on social media.