Sosnovsky about Usyk’s regime violation: 4 am, and Alex leads the girl out of the base

Dmitry Sosnovsky and Alexander Usyk

Dmitry Sosnovsky, the head coach of the Ukrainian amateur national team admitted that at one time he almost kicked Alexander Usyk (15-0, 11 KOs) out of the team because of a regime violation:

“One case was with Usyk. They were at the base, Alex was young, he just came. Cameras were set up at the base in Koncha Zaspa in Kiev, Ukraine. The director of the base was Leonid Smelash, I had a bit strained relations with him, he was very happy with his order there.

“Here he came out and said to me: “Dmitry, can you come to my office?” I came, he turns on the camera and shows. I look and I cannot understand anything – it was dark, Usyk lead the girl out of the base through the checkpoint. I said: "And what's wrong with that?" He replied: "Look at the time, 4 am." I said: "Ok, accepted."

“In the morning I gathered the team, then Chigaev was a team leader. I said: “Alex, don't be angry. Boys, did we agree? Did we get you? We got you. Alex told a tearful story that his sister came to spend the night, and in the morning she had a train. She had to go very far somewhere. Everything was clear, they were able to tell so that you would cry.

- And what is the punishment? Fine?

“Not. The regime was violated - I sent Usyk from the camp and said that if this happened again, he would be excluded from the national team. A full-time team meant salary. So it was the last time.”

Usyk will fight against Tony Bellew (30-2-1, 30 KOs) on November 10 in Manchester. WBA, WBC, WBO and IBF belts owned by a Ukrainian will be at stake in the bout.