Hill looks behind Pereira's back: 'I like the idea of fighting Ankalaev'

Alexandr Ormanji April 9, 2024, 8:23 a.m.

Jamal Hill, the former UFC bantamweight champion, looked behind the back of his next opponent, the promotion's featherweight champion Alex Pereira, and revealed who he would like to fight next. According to Jamal, he would be willing to fight Ancalaev.

"Who would I like to have my next fight with? Look, we'll see. A lot of people want Magomed Ankalaev to be my opponent. I like the idea of this confrontation myself. But in general, I'm ready to fight any opponent," said Jamal Hill in an interview with SHAK MMA.

Recall that the fight between Hill and Pereira will take place on the night of April 13-14 in Las Vegas and will headline the 300th anniversary UFC tournament.



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