Bisping named an option for O'Malley's fight with Topuria to make sense

Alexandr Ormanji March 12, 2024, 6:54 p.m.

Michael Bisping, former UFC middleweight champion, has spoken out about a possible fight between Sean O'Malley and Elijah Topuria.

"I'm in no way opposed to Sean O'Malley not moving forward in his career. But I think there should be a strict rule that if there are no clear challengers in your division for your title, and you have three defenses of your belt, then only then can you talk about and demand champion vs. champion fights. But just think about this: if we put all the "buts" aside, Sean O'Malley gets a plane from Dana and flies to Spain. We have a fight. A relatively quick turnaround because he just had a good fight. That gives Volkanovski more time to rest and recover. You know, this fight makes sense just for the fans to get a spectacle. If they're willing to make this fight happen quickly so the rest of the division doesn't have to wait, that would be perfect. Merab just fought, you know what I mean. If they're willing to do it quickly, then we need to book a plane," Middle Easy quoted Bisping as saying.



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