Strickland called Jake Paul a cancer and a byproduct of society

Sean Strickland, former UFC middleweight champion, once again addressed Jake Paul with whom he recently had a verbal conflict. This time, Sean called Jake a “cancer.”

“I want you all to understand that Jake is a phenomenon. You're a professional troll, you fight retired MMA fighters because you're a troll, but the worst thing about it all is that you're a cancer. You inspire people to achieve nothing, to be nothing. You inspire people to be trolls because you're good at it yourself. Jake Paul, you may be rich, but you are not human, you are a byproduct of a fallen society. Your trolls will rally around you and be inspired to be like you, but understand one thing: you and your army of trolls are no match for me. Enjoy your virtual world, knowing that you are a cancer to this country. Money will never buy you dignity. Enjoy."