Bisping made an accurate prediction for the Strickland-Du Plessis fight

Dmitriy Kel Jan. 20, 2024, 3 p.m.

Former UFC heavyweight champion Michael Bisping shared his forecast for the upcoming fight between the current holder of this title Sean Strickland And Dricus Du Plessis.

The American and the South African will meet in the main event of UFC 297, which will take place on the night of January 21 in Toronto.

“Dricus will attack Sean like a real beast from the first seconds of the fight. Du Plessis finished almost all of his opponents; he won 95% of his victories ahead of schedule. This reinforces the belief that you can run over any opponent.

Adesanya predicts Du Plessis will win by submission. I'm not sure about the submission, but I'm betting on Drikus to win because he hits harder. I believe he will finish Sean. Probably in the third round,” Bisping said in the latest episode of his YouTube channel.



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