Makhachev's trainer: "Our task is to make sure Puryear doesn't turn into Rocky Balboa"

Alexandr Ormanji May 20, 2024, 9:23 a.m.

Islam Makhachev's trainer Javier Mendes named one of the main tasks of his ward in the upcoming fight against Dustin Porier.

"I think Dustin has gotten older, wiser than he was in the fight against Khabib. But Porye is still just as dangerous. We have to be very careful, we have to play our game. We definitely don't consider him an easy opponent. The fight can be easy, but only because we will train very hard before this fight. Porier is a real warrior, a great fighter. Our task is to make sure that Dustin does not turn into Rocky Balboa", - said Mendes in an interview with Submission Radio.

Recall, the confrontation between Makhachev and Puryear will take place on June 1 in the framework of the 302nd tournament UFC.

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