Robin Safar vs Roberto Silva - Date, Start time, Fight Card, Location

George Fields March 26, 2025, 7:05 a.m.

Robin Safar and Roberto Silva are set to face off in a cruiserweight bout in Cancun, Quintana Roo. Safar fights from Las Vegas, while Silva comes from League City, Texas.

Robin Safar has no professional losses with a record of 17 wins. He was born on November 30, 1992. Roberto Silva started fighting professionally after April 20, 1988, and has accumulated 13 wins and three losses. These fighters face similar opponents regularly in the cruiserweight division. Safar's undefeated status poses a challenge to Silva.

What time is Robin Safar vs Roberto Silva fight

Live coverage for the Robin Safar vs Roberto Silva main card will start at 09:00 PM EST on DAZN. Refer to the table below to find your local time.

Region Date Main Card Start Time Robin Safar vs Roberto Silva Ring Walks (approx.)
USA and Canada (EST) Saturday, March 29, 2025 09:00 PM 09:30 PM
USA and Canada (PT) Saturday, March 29, 2025 06:00 PM 06:30 PM
UK and Ireland (GMT) Sunday, March 30, 2025 01:00 AM 01:30 AM
Australia (AEDT) Sunday, March 30, 2025 12:00 PM 12:30 PM

The event takes place on March 29, 2025, in Cancun, Quintana Roo. The fight between Robin Safar and Roberto Silva is scheduled for 09:30 PM EST. This bout is part of the undercard for the main event featuring William Zepeda against Tevin Farmer.

The Safar vs. Silva fight will be in the cruiserweight class and will last for ten rounds. As it is an undercard fight, the start time might change depending on how long earlier fights take.

Make sure to check your local time zone to know when to tune in.

Fighters Details

Robin Safar faces Roberto Silva in a 10-round cruiserweight fight.

Robin Safar

  • Nationality: Sweden
  • Stance: Orthodox
  • Height: 191 cm
  • Reach: 191 cm
  • Total Fights: 17
  • Record: 17 / 0 / 0

Robin Safar, nicknamed "The Answer," has an unparalleled record with 17 wins and no losses, fighting out of Las Vegas. His height and reach advantage at 191 cm gives him the upper hand in matchups. In his last fights against opponents similar to Silva's caliber, Safar dominated, indicating potential success in this matchup.

Roberto Silva

  • Nationality: USA
  • Stance: Orthodox
  • Height: 180 cm
  • Reach: 180 cm
  • Total Fights: 16
  • Record: 13 / 3 / 0

Roberto Silva holds 13 victories, with just 3 losses. The Houston fighter doesn't have extensive reach but matches experience as he competes valiantly in cruiserweight battles. However, against someone of Safar's unbeaten status, Silva may face challenges overcoming Safar’s reach and defensive style.

How and where to watch the Robin Safar vs Roberto Silva Fight

You can watch Robin Safar vs Roberto Silva via DAZN.

Country Price per month Price per year
Canada First month free, then $29.99/mo or $19.99/mo with annual subscription. $239.88
UK and Ireland First month free, then £24.99/mo or £14.99/mo with annual subscription. £179.88
Australia $13.99 per month -
USA First month free, then $29.99/mo or $19.99/mo with annual subscription. $239.88
Robin Safar vs Roberto Silva live stream is available on DAZN on most devices, including Android phones, tablets, iPhones, and iPads.

Robin Safar vs Roberto Silva Fight Card

  • William Zepeda vs Tevin Farmer
  • Oscar Collazo vs Edwin Cano
  • Robin Safar vs Roberto Silva
  • Yokasta Valle vs Marlen Esparza
  • Joselito Velazquez vs Adolfo Castillo
  • Gregory Morales vs Jonathan Rojas
  • Cayden Griffiths vs Fernando Ruiz


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