Ball comes into the fight as the clear favorite. He's unbeaten so far and his last fight ended with a knockout win over Ronny Rios in the 10th round. The champ looks to be in great form and wants to end this fight quickly.
Doheny, on the other hand, lost his last fight against Naoya Inoue in the super bantamweight division. The challenger got stopped in the 7th round. Now, he moves up to featherweight, hoping to turn things around and show he's still got what it takes.
The odds heavily favor Ball. If you bet $100 on him to win, you'd only make about $6 profit. That's how sure the bookies are that he'll keep his belt. But boxing is full of surprises, and Doheny has nothing to lose here.
Ball's aggressive style meets Doheny's desperation for a comeback. This clash promises to be more than just another title defense. It could be a real slugfest.
For those who like a punt, here are the odds:
Ball to win: -1667 Ball by knockout: -200 Ball by decision: +175
Doheny to win: +800 Doheny by knockout: +1600 Doheny by decision: +2500
A draw sits at +2200, which the bookies see as pretty unlikely.
Whatever happens, fans at the M&S; Bank Arena are in for a treat. Ball wants to put on a show and set up bigger fights down the line. Doheny aims to prove he's still got plenty left in the tank. It's all set up for an exciting night of boxing in Liverpool.