During that round, Roach landed a blow to Davis' face, causing him to fall to his knees and briefly touch the canvas. The referee didn't start a count, and Davis went to his corner to wipe his eyes with a towel. He later claimed sweat from his hair was burning his eyes.
The New York State Athletic Commission is now closely evaluating what happened in the ninth round. Roach's lawyers have filed evidence and are trying to have their fighter declared the winner.
Eddie Hearn, a well-known boxing promoter, shared his thoughts on the situation. He said:
"He not hurt, but if you go down on your knees and touch the floor while punches are being thrown, it's a knockdown."
Despite believing a knockdown should have been counted, Hearn doesn't think the Commission will change the result. He ruled out the possibility of a disqualification and doesn't expect the Commission to award victory to Roach.
Hearn hopes this situation will motivate Davis to come back stronger. The fight has left many fans believing Roach was the real winner, adding to the controversy surrounding the outcome.
As the boxing world waits for the Commission's final decision, the debate around this fight continues. The incident highlights the importance of clear rules and their consistent application in high-stakes boxing matches.