Lennox Lewis Predicts Joshua's Strategy in Dubois Rematch: "He'll Go After Him"

George Fields Oct. 30, 2024, 12:10 p.m.

Lennox Lewis weighed in on a potential rematch between Anthony Joshua and Daniel Dubois. The former heavyweight champ shared his thoughts after Joshua's knockout loss to Dubois in September.

Joshua lost to Dubois at Wembley Stadium, getting knocked out in the fifth round. The defeat crushed Joshua's hopes of becoming a three-time world heavyweight champion. While talks of a rematch initially seemed likely, they've cooled off recently.

Lewis knows a thing or two about rematches. In 2001, he lost to Hasim Rahman by a fifth-round stoppage. Seven months later, Lewis knocked out Rahman in four rounds and got his world titles back.

In an interview with Boxing News, Lewis shared his thoughts on a potential Joshua-Dubois rematch:

"It's going to be the same thing. Dubois will be coming after you again. When he's done that to you the first time, it's going to be easy to do that the second time unless you make some drastic changes, if he's going to make the rematch he has to do some drastic changes in his boxing."

Lewis compared the situation to his own experience:

"For me it was easy because of how I lost. I lost with a one punch kind of thing. The guy threw a punch and my chin happened to be in the way of it and before I left the fight I already knew what I needed to do to win the rematch. I had the rematch in my head before I left the ring."

The former champ offered some advice for Joshua:

"For Joshua going into a rematch he has to look deep within himself and say does he want it, and then he has to realise what he did wrong and go and right the wrongs basically."

If Joshua decides not to pursue the rematch with Dubois, a new challenger has stepped up and offered to take on the IBF champion. The heavyweight division remains as unpredictable as ever.


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