Poland explained the reasons for Usyk's detention

Alexandr Ormanji Sept. 18, 2024, 10:54 a.m.

Polish authorities explained why they detained world heavyweight champion Oleksandr Usyk at the airport.

"It all happened like this: two men were taken off the flight to Thessaloniki by the carrier, by which time they had lost their passenger status. However, they did not want to go out of the gate and did not respond to requests from airport security. Then the procedure started and a special task force from the facility at Krakow-Balice Airport came to help. Our staff approached them and, as they were a bit agitated about not flying away, explained to them that direct coercive measures would be used against them if they did not comply with the procedures. One man was handcuffed, but only for preventative purposes. Simply because of his size and the aforementioned condition."


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