Briedis commented on the decision to end his career

Mairis Briedis, former World Cruiserweight Champion, commented on his decision to end his career.

"When I wrote the text about the end of my career, I thought I had already let it go.... When I was writing the text, tears were flowing, it was very painful, sad.... But this is life, I've been in this sport for 25 years, I gave myself completely. And yes, it was hard to say goodbye, but in any case I am grateful for everything that happened in my life.

When did the decision come up? When I was preparing for my last fight with Opetaia. After the surgery, I had repeatedly torn a ligament in my shoulder, which is responsible for a lot of things in boxing. And in boxing the front arm is very important, it's like taking away the baton from a conductor, he won't be able to conduct any music.