What time is Danielle Perkins vs Christianne Fahey tonight? Ringwalks, schedule, streaming links

Tonight at the Little Cesars Arena in Detroit, Michigan, Danielle Perkins and Christianne Fahey step into the ring under the category of heavyweight fighting. The match serves as an undercard event before the main bout featuring Claressa Shields versus Vanessa Lepage Joanisse.

Danielle Perkins, who debuted in August 2020, has maintained a perfect record from four professional bouts with two knockouts, showing off her power and swift southpaw stance. Her most recent victory came against Timea Nagy earlier this year, securing a win by technical knockout. On the other side, Christianne Fahey, who started her professional career in October 2022 and has achieved two wins by knockout from three fights. Moving up to heavyweight for tonight's bout presents Fahey with a new class of challenge, especially shifting from super middleweight where she faced a split decision loss against Mary Casamassa at her last outing.

What time is Danielle Perkins vs Christianne Fahey fight

Live coverage for the Danielle Perkins vs Christianne Fahey main card will start at 09:00 PM EST on DAZN. Refer to the table below to find your local time.

Region Date Main Card Start Time Danielle Perkins vs Christianne Fahey
USA and Canada (EST) 2024-07-27 21:00 21:00
USA and Canada (PT) 2024-07-27 18:00 18:00
UK and Ireland 2024-07-28 02:00 02:00
Australia 2024-07-28 13:00 13:00

Danielle Perkins will face Christianne Fahey tonight at 9:00 PM EST at the Little Caesars Arena in Detroit, Michigan. The fight is set for six rounds in the heavyweight category. This match is part of an undercard event, with the main event featuring Claressa Shields versus Vanessa Lepage Joanisse.

Please note that the scheduled time for ring walks may vary depending on how long earlier fights last. Adjustments might occur if previous matches end quickly or last longer than expected.

For viewers outside of Eastern Standard Time, check local listings to match the start time in your time zone.

How and where to watch the Danielle Perkins vs Christianne Fahey Fight

You can watch Danielle Perkins vs Christianne Fahey via DAZN.

Danielle Perkins vs Christianne Fahey

Fighters Details

Danielle Perkins

  • Nationality: USA
  • Stance: Southpaw
  • Height: 183cm
  • Reach: 183cm
  • Total Fights: 4
  • Record: 4 / 0 / 0

Christianne Fahey

  • Nationality: United Kingdom
  • Stance: Orthodox
  • Height: 175cm
  • Total Fights: 3
  • Record: 2 / 1 / 0

Danielle Perkins vs Christianne Fahey Fight Card

  • Claressa Shields vs Vanessa Lepage Joanisse
  • Michel Rivera vs Hugo Alberto Roldan
  • Shohjahon Ergashev vs Julian Smith
  • Ernesto Mercado vs Jose A Gonzalez
  • Samantha Worthington vs Edina Kiss
  • Gordie Russ II vs Josiah Shackleford
  • Cameran Pankey vs Shaileik Paisley
  • Husam Al Mashhadi vs Bruno Leonardo Romay
  • Danielle Perkins vs Christianne Fahey