Gvozdik told how the fight with Benavides would have turned out if he had been trained by Atlas

Former flyweight world champion Oleksandr Gvozdyk believes he would have lost early to David Benavidez if he had been preparing for this fight under the guidance of his former trainer Teddy Atlas.

"Teddy is a very smart trainer, he can prepare well for these opponents and fights, but he has other issues. He is very well-versed in terms of technique, tactics. I think he could have prepared me better in that respect. But he has another problem - he doesn't keep up with the times. If I was training with Teddy, I think I would have won the first few rounds and then Benavides would have stopped me.

I would love to combine what Teddy does with what we do with my trainer. But unfortunately in Teddy's case that's not possible. So somehow it's like this," - said Gvozdik in an interview with the YouTube channel "Two Sideways".

Recall that on June 15, Gvozdik lost to Benavides by unanimous decision of judges in the fight for the title of interim world champion under the version of the WBC in the light-heavyweight division.
