Porier is proud to be in a beer commercial.

Alexandr Ormanji May 28, 2024, 10:22 a.m.

UFC lightweight Dustin Puryear is proud that he managed to star in an advertisement for Bud Light beer. It's worth noting that this commercial will be shown during the broadcast of Porier's fight with Islam Makhachev.

"These aren't humble guys making t-shirts at their mom's house. These are serious Super Bowl-level commercials. When I first started in MMA ... Anyway, it's unbelievable. I consider it a recognition of how hard I've worked and how many high-profile fights I've had in my career," Sportskeeda quoted Puryear as saying.

Recall, the fight between Makhachev and Porye will take place on June 1 in Newark and will headline UFC 302.

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