"I hate it." Cormier condemned Puryear for his statement before his fight with Maakhachev

Dmitriy Kel May 26, 2024, 3:29 a.m.

The famous American mixed martial arts veteran Daniel Cormier commented on the words of former interim UFC lightweight champion Dustin Puryear before the fight with the holder of the full title Islam Makhachev.

Earlier, the American admitted that the fight with the Dagestani could be the last in his career.

"I hate it! Dustin realizes that the end is near. I myself was finishing my career. Life after fights, after grueling training camps - it seems amazing. But if you want to go into the octagon, if you're going to have a fight - you should not have a single thought about retiring," said Cormier on his YouTube channel.

Watch this story: Rockhold called Cormier a liar

Recall that Porier and Makhachev will meet on June 1 in the main event of UFC 302 in Newark, USA.



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