Puryear told what his coach is talking him out of in his fight with Makhachev

Alexandr Ormanji May 22, 2024, 12:55 p.m.

Dustin Porier revealed what his coach is talking him out of ahead of his bout with UFC lightweight champion Islam Makhachev.

"My trainer talks me out of using the guillotine. He keeps telling me, 'Don't lose position. Don't rely on the guillotine, even if it seems tight or you feel like doing it." In Makhachev's case, that's really relevant - if you lose position and give him the advantage, you're going to be trying to get up off the floor for the rest of the round. You're going to find yourself in a bad situation. We'll see how I feel in the octagon," Puryear said in an interview with Yahoo Sports.

Recall that the fight between Makhachev and Porye will take place on June 1 and will headline UFC 302.

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