"Alex will have a harder time this time." Former UFC champion gave a forecast for Makhachev's rematch with Volkanovski

Alexandr Ormanji Oct. 11, 2023, 7:50 a.m.

Petr Yan, former UFC bantamweight champion, reacted to the news that Charles Oliveira pulled out of his rematch against Makhacheva, and took his place Alex Volkanovski.

“I can’t evaluate whether it’s better for Islam to fight against Oliveira or against Volkanovski. Islam went through the camp, prepared, and the main thing is that all this did not go in vain. The UFC has a task to maintain interest in the fight. They had already fought among themselves, it was an interesting fight. And I think that the upcoming fight will also be interesting, but this time it will be more difficult for Alex, because the fight is not taking place on his territory,” the fighter said.

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