Fiziev said that McGregor now looks like an alcoholic

Dmitriy Kel Feb. 28, 2023, 3:47 a.m.
Rafael Fiziev
Rafael Fiziev

Ranked UFC Lightweight Rafael Fiziev shared his thoughts on the upcoming fight between the ex-champion of the promotion in two divisions Conor McGregor And Michael Chandler.

The Azerbaijani fighter noted that now the star Irishman is not in the best condition - he looks like he is heavily abusing alcohol.

“Recently I saw Conor at UFC headquarters. I think he hangs out too much. Too many parties every day. You know, his face... Conor looked like he was constantly resting and drinking whiskey.

I think Chandler has a good chance of winning. Michael is strong, he just needs to be smart with McGregor. There is no need to arrange something crazy, like with Getji. And then Michael will win,” Fiziev said in an interview with Submission Radio.

Recall that McGregor and Chandler will become coaches in the reality show The Ultimate Fighter, after which they will fight.



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