Bisping predicted the outcome of the Peña-Nunez rematch

Dmitriy Kel Feb. 1, 2022, 7:05 a.m.
Michael Bisping
Michael Bisping

Former UFC Middleweight Champion Michael Bisping shared his thoughts on the rematch between Julianne Peña and Amanda Nunez.

Recall that on December 11 at UFC 267, Peña sensationally defeated Nunes by choke in the second round and won the title in the bantamweight division.

“I think Nunes will win the rematch fairly easily. Julianne is a very tough girl, she is incredibly good and got an absolutely deserved victory over Amanda. However, she did not make it in the first round. Nunez was exhausted, he was exhausted.

Perhaps I have too high an opinion of Nunes and bias towards Peña. If so, then I want to apologize. Each of us has our own opinion. I think revenge will show everything, ”said the Briton on his YouTube channel.



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