Coach Volkov: "Sasha is an uncomfortable opponent for Ngannou"

Dmitriy Kel Jan. 23, 2022, 2:08 p.m.
Alexander Volkov
Alexander Volkov

Russian heavyweight coach Alexandra Volkova Taras Kiyashko shared his impressions of the fight between Francis Ngannou and Cyril Gan, and also weighed the chances of his ward against the Cameroonian champion.

“In fact, I am not surprised that Ngannou is not standing still, but, as they say now, is developing. He trains a lot, and with this fight he once again confirmed that he is developing and developing. Now we know him not only as a person with enormous punching power, and who can end the fight with one blow at any moment, but also as the one who can think tactically, think, listen to his angle and make decisions in the course of the fight.

I don't think it's convenient for Ngannou. I think the opposite is true - Sasha will be an uncomfortable opponent for Ngannou. First, their size. Secondly, with their technical arsenal, wrestling skills, striking techniques. It's hard to say now... But I don't think it's convenient for Ngannou. That's just quite uncomfortable. On the contrary, many consider Alexander an inconvenient opponent [for Ngannou].”

Recall that on January 23 at UFC 270, Ngannou made his first defense of the championship title, defeating Cyril Gan by unanimous decision.



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