Blaydes gives predictions for Miocic - Cormier

Dmitriy Kel Feb. 19, 2018, 3:09 a.m.
Curtis Blaydes
Curtis Blaydes

The promising UFC heavyweight Curtis Blaydes shared his expectations from a fight between Stipe Miocic and Daniel Cormier on July 7th.

"It's a great fight. Cormier is a former Strikeforce heavyweight champion, he has never lost in this division. I think that during the fight their weight will be approximately the same. Cormier will weigh about 235 pounds, Miocic - 245-250, and this is not such a big difference for heavyweights. Cormier was inferior in size to his rivals before, so that it is not worth worrying about.

"I think that Stipe will win, because he is very confident in the rack and his wrestling skills are underestimated. Well, it should not be underestimated, as we all perfectly saw what he did in a fight with Miocic.

Watch this story: Cormier marveled at Jones

"I was given the opportunity to train with Stipe during my amateur career a couple of years ago. We fought, so I definitely respect his skills in the stalls. He deserved his place. If he wins, he will be considered the greatest heavyweight in history," Blades said.



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