Russian MMA fighter Kiser: "I would like to defend Ukraine as an American volunteer"

Russian mixed martial arts fighter Alexey Kiser (14-5) has declared his desire to support the Ukrainian military's fight in the war against occupiers from rf.

- If his sporting career has to end, there are opinions to enroll in the U.S. Navy SEALs. In the USA they are already preparing for World War II. This is promoted by slogans on advertising posters: "Join the American army now you will have to learn how to fight anyway". It is already clear to Americans that there is no other way with the current regime of the Russian Federation. But again, I need to get a green card for that. I would like to defend Ukraine as an American volunteer. As part of the U.S. Navy SEALs.

- At the beginning of a full-scale war, did you also have thoughts of coming to Ukraine and defending the land of your ancestors with weapons in your hands?

- I did. But on February 6, 2022, I turned in my Russian passport to the American Embassy in Indonesia. My case was considered for 10 months(!). Eventually, in October 2022, I received an American visa, but I couldn't go anywhere for almost the entire first year of the full-scale war. And my brothers in Ukraine warned me that it was dangerous to come with a Russian passport, because the reaction of Ukrainian border guards who would see my Russian passport could be ambiguous. On the anniversary of the war, February 24, 2023, I wrote an emotional post in support of my historical homeland. That my heart is always with Ukraine and its people.

And the very next day my elderly parents, who still live in Orenburg, were searched by local Putinist law enforcers. They started to sew me up a case of terrorism. Indonesia is friends with the bars, and I could have been extradited at any moment at the request of the Rashists. I left for the U.S. And after the second and third searches at my parents' house, I consulted a lawyer and decided to go to America for political asylum. I am still in this status in the USA.