Joshua - on Ngannou: "His coming in has been good for boxing"

Anthony Joshua, former world heavyweight champion, believes the arrival of former UFC heavyweight champion Francis Ngannou to boxing has benefited the sport.

"At first I thought his transition out of MMA wasn't serious. I wouldn't have agreed to a fight like that, people would have thought, "What the fuck is Anthony doing?" I wouldn't be able to leave the house. But after the Fury fight, Francis is being taken seriously. Because of that, I found motivation and agreed to the fight. I'll be able to show how good I am. Ngannou is a boxer now. If he chooses to go back to MMA, that's his choice. But he's a good addition to the boxing heavyweight division. Plus, thanks to him, there are more boxing fans around the world. His entry into boxing has benefited our sport."

Recall, already on March 8, Joshua and Ngannou will hold a bout in Riyadh.