Benavides on Gvozdyk: "If I don't get Canelo, I'll at least beat his team."

Undefeated David Benavides once again touched on the topic of a possible fight with absolute world super middleweight champion Saul Alvarez. In particular, Benavides said that if he could not fight Canelo, he would "outbid" his entire team. It should be noted that the next fight David will spend with the Ukrainian Alexander Gvozdyk, who has repeatedly helped Alvarez to prepare for fights.

"If I can't get to Canelo himself, at least I'll interrupt his whole team. I'm not leaving Haymon for a fight with Canelo. I'm making good money. Al takes care of me...", - stated Benavides.

Recall, at stake in the fight between Benavides and Gvozdyk will be the title of interim world champion in the light-heavyweight version of the WBC.