Usik's ex-trainer does not believe that the fight with Fury will take place in May

James Ali Bashir, former trainer of the unified world heavyweight champion Alexandra Usika, I am sure that the fight of the Ukrainian boxer against Tyson Fury It won’t be possible to hold it ...

“From what I’ve seen, it will take six to seven months for Fury’s cut to heal. It seems like this is one of those cuts that needs to be sutured both internally and externally to get the best treatment outcome.

May is a short journey, they are in a hurry. I can imagine this cut opening up if they fight in May. I would hold off the fight until June or July to be sure. Personally, as a coach, I would reschedule the fight. The longer the recovery takes, the better it will be for the eye after the cut,” said Ali Bashir.

Let us remind you that Usik’s fight against Fury was postponed due to a cut that Tyson received during sparring with Agron Smakichi. The fight is expected to take place on May 18 in Riyadh.