Senchenko named a factor that could put Lomachenko to win against Kambosos

The famous Ukrainian coach Vyacheslav Senchenko named one reason that could interfere Vasily Lomachenko win against George Kambosos.

“In my opinion, this habit (underworking - note) often harms him. In these moments, amateur boxing “wins” a little in him. Considering that Lomachenko is very self-confident... Considering that he does not accept his defeats categorically... He does not agree with them, he still convinces that he did not lose, he is not ready to accept that he had to do a little more to win . He doesn't see that there might be a problem with him somewhere. He doesn’t think that more should have been done, because he’s already stepped on this “rake.” Therefore, this moment is also important. It is necessary that this situation does not happen again with Kambosos. To avoid this desire to win by hitting one more hit. I think he should draw the right conclusions. About the fact that if there is an opportunity to put the squeeze on an opponent, then it is better to take advantage of it. If possible, try to stop it, break it up, or at least just declasse it instead of just being better occasionally. In professional boxing, the evaluation parameters are slightly different. And what he does is sometimes really not enough. This is not enough to defeat the “home judges”. And the battle with Haney showed this perfectly. To win a battle in the USA against a financially promising American, more needs to be done. I hope this doesn’t play into the fight with Kambosos. If there is an opportunity to knock out, you need to knock out. If there is an opportunity to develop attacks, we need to develop them...,” Senchenko said.