Hill responded to Ankalaev's call

Dmitriy Kel Feb. 13, 2024, 11:46 p.m.

Former UFC light heavyweight champion Jamal Hill responded to the challenge thrown at him by the ex-title challenger Magomed Ankalaev.

ā€œMagomed, bro, did you really write something and then ban me? Now my butt is cracking from laughing. You are such a coward. It looks like you're just dreaming and don't understand it. But donā€™t be afraid, the doctor can wake you up,ā€ Hill wrote in X.

Recall that Hill won the vacant championship belt in January last year, defeating Glover Teixeira by unanimous decision. In July, the American ruptured his Achilles tendon while playing basketball and decided to resign as champion so as not to hold up the division.



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