Usyk's promoter: Vladimir Klitschko wanted to fight Tyson Fury but we stole his dream

Famous Ukrainian promoter Alexander Krasyuk explained why Vladimir Klichko, The former world heavyweight champion has not returned to the ring, although in 2021 there was talk that Klitschko Jr. plans to resume his boxing ...

“Because he only needed one fight. Unfinished business. Tyson Fury. And now we are taking away his dream, on the one hand, and on the other hand, we are realizing it. After Oleksandr Usyk beats Tyson Fury, Wladimir Klitschko will not be interested in Fury. Did Klitschko have contacts with Fury regarding a rematch? Personal - no. As far as I know, they had no personal contact. But who knows. This is such a thing that there is no need to make a guess.”
