Jackson: 'I cried in the locker room one day'

Dmitriy Kel Dec. 28, 2023, 1:57 p.m.

Former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Quinton Jackson remembered how he emotionally reacted to the defeat Michael Bisping from Dan Henderson at the UFC 100 tournament back in 2009.

“I never cried, but at that time Bisping and I were like brothers. Now we are no longer so close, because there were some disagreements between our managers. However, at that time, me, Cheick Kongo and Michael were like brothers.

I never cried when I got knocked out, but when Dan Henderson knocked out Bisping, I cried in the locker room. It was such a hard knockout that I felt unwell. I decided that perhaps I had not helped him enough in training. I just felt sorry for him,” BJ Penn quotes the American as saying.



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