McGregor named top 5 fighters in MMA history

Dmitriy Kel Sept. 28, 2024, 7:02 a.m.

Former UFC champion in two weight classes Conor McGregor has compiled his list of the five greatest mixed martial artists.

"The top 5 greatest fighters are Hickson Gracie, Hoyce Gracie, Ken Shamrock, Chuck Liddell. How many is it now? Four? And another real gangster, Bas Rutten. Europe's finest. Europe's number one, Bas Rutten. He's a fantastic man, and even now he's in great shape. Bas, I'm for you bro!", - wrote McGregor in X.

Recall that McGregor has not stepped into the octagon since July 2021, when he lost early to Dustin Puryear.



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