Makhachev told in what he is superior to Porier

Alexandr Ormanji May 30, 2024, 10:23 a.m.

Islam Makhachev, the UFC lightweight champion, spoke about where he is superior to his next opponent Dustin Puryear.

"What Dustin has more than me in this sport is experience. He's fought a lot of five round fights, he's been through a lot of punches, all of his fights have been crazy. That's why he's superior to me in experience. Dustin might be good at striking, but we're not kickboxers here, we're MMA fighters. I think I have more skills in MMA," Makhachev said in an interview with Kevin Lawle.

Recall that the fight between Makhachev and Puryear will take place on June 1 and will headline UFC 302.

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