Makhachev called Porier an MMA legend

Alexandr Ormanji May 25, 2024, 8:36 p.m.

Islam Makhachev, UFC lightweight champion, shared his opinion on his next opponent Dustin Puryear.

"First of all, I want to say that Porye is one of the legends of mixed martial arts. This is a man who is going to be in the UFC Hall of Fame. That's something I'm 100 percent sure of. He's been through a lot of tough fights and also fought for the title. This guy in any case will be an exam for every fighter, despite the fact that he will lose on June 2," Islam said in a video on the YouTube channel "Khabib Nurmagomedov".

Recall that the fight between Makhachev and Porier will take place on June 1 and will headline UFC 302, which will take place in Newark.

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