Klitschko - about Usyk's impertinent question: "It was an expression of the champion's confidence"

Alexandr Ormanji Dec. 18, 2024, 5:54 a.m.

Wladimir Klitschko, former world heavyweight champion, in an interview with YouTube channel "Bombardier" commented on the episode with Oleksandr Usyk, which happened in 2013. Then Alexander, just making his first steps to big fights, boldly addressed the Klitschko brothers, asking whether they would keep the championship belts or they would have to box.

"It was an expression of the champion's confidence, he was so confident, as every champion is. If you ask any champion, whether it's Mike Tyson, Lennox Lewis, Evander Holyfield, who are with us, or Mohammed Ali from the past, but that opportunity doesn't exist anymore. If you were to face another champion, how would he respond to who would win?"



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