Garcia tested positive for doping before his fight with Haney

Doping samples of the popular American boxer Ryan Garcia, taken on the day of his fight against WBC bantamweight champion Devin Haney, compatriot, tested positive for ostarine. This is informed by authoritative journalist ...

In addition, the 25-year-old boxer's tests showed traces of another banned substance, 19-nortestosterone. However, this result has not yet been confirmed pending further laboratory analysis.

The fighter himself denies violating anti-doping rules: "Why would I voluntarily take a doping test if I was taking something? Is there any point to it?", - wrote Ryan in X.

Recall that on April 20, Garcia sensationally defeated Haney by majority decision of the judges. At the same time, the fighter did not seize the championship title, as he failed to make weight before the fight.