Saint-Pierre's coach gave a forecast for the revenge of Makhachevas Tsarukyan

Alexandr Ormanji Dec. 9, 2023, 6:20 a.m.

Firas Zahabi, coach of the former two-division UFC champion George St. Pierre, spoke about a possible rematch between Arman Tsarukyan And Islam Makhachev.

“Tsarukyan makes me believe that he can defeat Islam. I'm excited about the lightweight division right now. I hope they get a rematch. Tsarukyan does not receive the recognition he deserves. He has three wins in a row, he lost to Mateusz Gamrot, but it was a very close fight,” the specialist said.

Let us remind you that Tsarukyan earlier said that he would knock out Makhachev in a rematch.

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