Hooker is confident that Makhachev will avoid Tsarukyan

Dmitriy Kel Dec. 5, 2023, 1:29 a.m.

New Zealand UFC lightweight Dan Hooker explained why the division champion Islam Makhachev will never give revenge to the prospect Arman Tsarukyan.

“Islam will most likely end his career by the time Tsarukyan rises to the top positions in the rankings. He won't give him revenge. Why? It's too much of a risk. There are many safer and easier fights, even at the top.

Stylistically, there are more convenient opponents for Makhachev. Yes, and no one will give money for broadcasting Arman Tsarukyan’s fight! No one will watch a press conference with his participation, much less give $80,” Hooker said in an interview with The MMA Hour.

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Let us remember that in April 2019, Tsarukyan lost to Makhachev by unanimous decision.



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