Whittaker named the reason for Volkanovski's early defeat in rematch with Makhachev

Alexandr Ormanji Oct. 25, 2023, 6:53 a.m.

Robert Whittaker, former UFC middleweight champion, gave the reason why Alex Volkanovski lost early Islam Makhachev in a rematch.

ā€œVolkanovski was not himself. HeĀ looked a little slow, a little lethargic. One of his greatest weapons is cardio and his ability to put pressure on his opponent without allowing him to back down. In 25 minutes, he empties the enemy's gas tank. This time we couldnā€™t see it. The wolf came out on short notice and was not that active. Weā€™ve never seen him like this...ā€ said the fighter.

Let us remind you that Volkanovski lost to Makhachev by knockout in the first round.



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