Bisping sees Ferguson as having a good chance of beating Pimblett

Alexandr Ormanji Oct. 4, 2023, 5:16 a.m.

Michael Bisping, the former UFC middleweight champion, has again spoken out about the upcoming fight between Paddy Pimblett and Tony Ferguson. “The Count” noted that Tony has a tough fight ahead of him, but he can win it.

“Tony has a tough fight ahead of him. But I don’t know if he will lose. I'll tell you what: I think Tony Ferguson has a very, very good chance in this fight. I think he's stronger than Paddy, and his jiu-jitsu is probably just as good, if not better, and he's a better wrestler. So time will tell,” Bisping said.

Let us remind you that Pimblett’s confrontation with Ferguson is scheduled for December 16th.



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