Joe Rogan on Makhachev's rematch with Oliveira: "An intriguing fight"

Alexandr Ormanji Sept. 28, 2023, 9:52 a.m.

Longtime UFC commentator Joe Rogan weighed in on the upcoming rematch between Islam Makhachev And Charles Oliveira.

“Anything can happen in MMA. This is what makes the next fight between Makhachev and Oliveira so interesting. Islam, in the first fight, caught Oliveira perfectly and forced him to tap. But Oliveira again achieved revenge. Oliveira is really good. Just a beast. Maybe in this fight he will be more confident. An intriguing fight."

Let us remind you that the rematch between Makhachev and Oliveira will take place on October 21 in Abu Dhabi.

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